Dip l Spread l Party

  • Broccomole

    Our take on traditional guacamole, but with local Maine broccoli and cauliflower (sans avocado).

    Ingredients: broccoli, cauliflower, white bean, onion, canola oil, E.V. olive oil, jalapeño, lime juice, cilantro, lemon juice, salt, cider vinegar, hickory extract, garlic, cumin

  • Beet & Carrot

    Bright and hardy, this is the perfect afternoon snack.

    Ingredients: organic beet, organic carrot, white bean, sesame tahini, lemon juice, canola oil, E.V. olive oil, garlic, cider vinegar, hickory extract, salt

  • Celery Root & Red Pepper

    Creamy celery root meets robust red pepper. Our most hummus-like spread with a little kick.

    Ingredients: celery root, parsnip, bell pepper, white bean, canola oil, sesame tahini, E.V. olive oil, chili pepper, lemon juice, cider vinegar, hickory extract, garlic, salt